
Thursday 22 November 2012


HI guys miss you guys, the weather over here has been amazing exept for that it was stormy for two days. Its good in Australia but I miss New Zealand. We have made friends but not as cool as you guys I miss going to school with you guys because its not the same at our new school. But we have over 1000 people at our school. 

Thursday 27 September 2012

A boys head

A boy’s head
In it there is a  soccer player
and a project
for doing away with chores.

And there is a
mini soccer player,
which shall be first.

And there is
an entirely new boot
an entirely new ball
and entirely new players.

There is a hill
that’s upside down.

There are subtraction facts.

There is the anti-ugly player

And it cannot be contained.

I believe
that only what cannot be contained
is a head.

There is much promise
in the circumstance
that so many people have heads.


Wednesday 26 September 2012

Toothbrush - Germ killer.
Brain - Dream maker.
House - People holder.
School - Children catcher.
Planet  - Astronaut keeper.
Park - Fun playhouse.
Computer - Knowledge holder.
Car - Road runner.
Teacher - Work checker.
Cloud - Fluff catcher.

Monday 24 September 2012

Day and Night

Day and Night

In the day students work and teachers instruct the loud classroom.

In the night the security guard checks the dark and mysterious classrooms.


Thursday 30 August 2012

Wood Tech

This is me and my friends at Tamaki College.  We had just finished our wood work projects.  Our teacher was Mr Thomas he helped us to build and use the tools.  At first I didn't know what to do, but then I was able to finish.  It was awesome to experience woodwork.

Thursday 26 July 2012

My poem

I asked the boy who could not see

I asked the boy who could not see
“And what is color like?”
‘Why red” he said,
“Is like a warm blanket that my mum puts on my bed.
The thin ice that I feel on my feet on the cold grass; that is blue.
Yellow is like the warm sun that shines down over me.
Orange juice runs down my throat in an fruity wonderland that is orange.
Jelly wobbles around a plate, that is cool green.
Turquoise is like a river running down a stream
And pink is like smelling flowers in the garden.”


Sunday 15 July 2012

The Amazing Spider Man

Spider Man

On Saturday My family and I ,  went to the movies . We saw The Amazing Spider Man it was awesome. And then after the movie we went and played some games and then we went and had some Burger king. What a great night to go out .

Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Movies

The Movies

Hooray it was finally the day for me , Jarred , My Mum , Dad and my Cousins , to go and see  Snow White and the Huntsman. It was a very cool and also a funny movie , the 7 Dwarfs were in the movie too. There was a war between good and evil ,  good defeated evil by killing the queen. It was a great movie.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Monday 2 July 2012

My day

Today was the first day of the school holidays, and gee it was cold as! Later on in the day it was starting to get warm so Jarred  and I went outside and played on our trampoline. Then we came inside and played on the PS3 .It was fun because we got to play Fifa 12.  I had an awesome first day of the school holidays great.

My Sister

My Sister

This is my sister Lauryn , she is as cute as a princess.


Why was the broom late ?


Because it over swept.

What's an insects favourite sport ?



How do you make a tissue dance ?


You put a little boggy in it.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Riddles and Brian teasers

What runs but never walks and has a bed but no mouth ?

When is a door not a door ?

What can you give away but still keep ?

What belongs to you but others use it more ?

Saturday 30 June 2012

Saturday fun

Saturday Fun

On Saturday 30 June Jarred and I played a soccer game for our Ellerslie team.  We played against Fencibles at Michaels avenue. It was tough at the start but suddenly our player put a through ball straight through the middle of the defence, our left mid came running through, but it hit the keeper. Jarred came behind and then, he booted the ball straight into the goal.Yeyah

Then after half time we scored another goal from a corner, the right mid put a great ball straight between the defenders and then our other striker scored.Then we scored another from another corner by our right mid all of the other team defenders missed the ball and our centre mid booted it into the goal it was amazing. Then the other team scored two quick goals but we defended and attacked well so we won 3 2. What a great game I enjoyed myself.

Thursday 31 May 2012

My Graph about my Planes

This is my bar graph which shows the  plane 3 travelled the longest and plane 2 travelled the shortest than all the rest. I think plane 3 travelled the longest because it was the longest and plane 2 travelled the shortest because it was the shortest.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Worlds best Friend recipe

98L.I. To use the format and language features of a recipe.

Worlds Best friend

1 have a heart
2 have a sense of humour   
3 fun to play with
4 truthful
5 Always be happy with you

1 Make sure your friend has a great heart
2 Next your friend must alway be happy
3 Believe in your friend to be truthful with you
4 Bring a friendly attitude and talk to your friend nicely
5 Bring a present for your friend and have a sense of humour
6 Make sure you play with your friend nicely

Thursday 5 April 2012

Swimming Recount

Swimming Recount

Splash!!  I jumped into the new and amazingly warm swimming pool at Panmure Bridge School. I loved it because it was in the school. The class were all enthusiastic to jump into the school pool.    

I quickly got changed into my swimming togs and hurried to the pool. Our group hurriedly climbed into the pool.  ‘Aaahhh’ the water was nice and warm. Then we learnt how to do freestyle most people struggled with the stroke but I did not struggle so I was proud of myself. Then we had to do backstroke I  felt like I was flying in the air above the clouds it was amazing.

On the 2nd day of swimming we did a stroke called the stingray we I tried it I struggled a little so I started to work on my technique and guess what happened I did better.  Mr Burton then showed us how to do freestyle the right way and I went really fast so I thanked Mr  Burton.  Then the group had free time and we had a handstand competition, sadly I did not win, but I had fun.

I had a really great time learning how swim and how to play sports with Mr Nepia. On the 3rd day we played a game involving swimming skills there were two each player had a number it was so much fun and I never wanted to stop. I had fun learning how to swim with Mr Burton and Ms. Kirkpatrick in term one of 2012.

Thursday 15 March 2012

I know someone who can ...

I know someone who can
Do a  back flip on a trampoline and land it
I know someone who can
juggle a soccer ball
I know someone who can
throw popcorn in the air and catch it in their mouth
I know someone who can
do a front flip in a pool
I know someone who can
Throw a softball up and catch it behind their back
I know someone who can
drink a whole bottle of fizzy drink
I know someone who can
Balance a book on their head and then catch it in one hand
I know someone who can
Eat a whole bucket of popcorn
I know someone who can
Run as fast as a grown up Dog.
I know someone who can
Climb in a treelike a Monkey
I know someone who can
play X box 360 for 2 hours straight
I know someone who can
work out problems using their brain
and that someone is me

Thursday 8 March 2012

Big Ups

Big Ups

During the holidays my brother and I went to Big Ups.  Big Ups is out by Three Kings it has inflatable soccer, gladiator, boxing, sumo wrestling, and a bouncy castle.  

When we got there we went on to the inflatable balls first and it was so much fun. They were as big as a elephant, I was so excited because I had never done it before. I had to push the ball the other way to make it stop, I fell over three times it was funny and then I made my brother trip over in his ball and I was laughing hard.

Then we went onto the inflatable soccer it was fun because it was very hard and exciting at the same time.  An exciting match.  Finally Jarred won 5 to 4.  Then we played with a adult and his son.  Jarred was with the boy and a was with the dad.  He and I won 10 to 7.  

After that we played some boxing and I knocked Jarred over two times and he knocked me over once.  It was an awesome match but the master was Cody.

Then we had an ice cream and it was delicious.  I had a trumpet.  And Jarred had an tongue  twister and he loved how it tasted delicious. My flavoured trumpet was M&M and it was wonderful.

Then we played on the elastic cord and I fell over heaps.  I could barley run after awhile I was tired like a snail that could barely move.

Then sadly we had to go home. I had a great day at Big Ups. I hope it will have an inflatable Cricket game next time I go.  I wish I could go back to Big Ups soon.